Monthly Archives: September 2012

Frozen In My Tracks


Shivering his tail end at me
I am compelled by some inner, instinctual knowing:
frozen in my tracks.
Only my eyeballs allowed to move:
indicating to Mommy that the incarnation of death
is there, behind the potted palm…
between us.

Shivering his tail end, loud…
He lets me know where we both stand:
He, fierce and free; king of the jungle
and I, dumb struck; frozen in my tracks.
Never before have I seen this devil with my own eyes…
but his presence, his authority over me, is absolute.

I make my silent supplications to Grandfather Coyote and Shar Shk Buk:
Patron Saint of those who find themselves eyeball to fang with this devil.
I silently invoke Shar Shk Buk:
that funny little bird who brazenly dances with this devil
and actually wins.
Finally after what seems like a life time: and could very well have been!
Shar Shk Buk opens the pearly gate to my home and heaven on earth,
and I run
not too proud to tuck my own tail between my legs
in deference to his majesty!

By Moon Doggie Buhlert, Sept. 9th, 2012

P.S. Mommy channeled this poem for me because I don’t have opposable thumbs,
and Grandfather Coyote says,” That’s what people are for.”