Otter Pops!



This afternoon at Old Man House Beach; as usual it’s 25 strokes out into the channel to ward off the cold. Just as I am about to angle into the current: otter pop! About 8 to 10 feet ahead, I see her first, because I see her break the surface, smacking on a crustacean. I could hear the crunch. She had obviously been intent on the hunt and was unaware of my entering the water. She had been moving in my direction as I had been moving in hers. Then she sees me and it registers. (I am after all relatively big.) I say, “Hi I’m a people!” She is gone in a flash. Sweet, fluid: woman medicine. What a blessing. I had a dream last night She kissed me…She almost did!

Cathie Jo aka Shar Shk Buk
October 1st. 2015
Old Man House Beach

Octopus Spirit Calling

I know, Octopus spirit is calling,
I can feel it in my skin
and my heart.
Like, She was just waiting
for my eighth swim:
waiting for me to swim in honor of the eight directions;
in honor of Her;
in honor of all things.

I know, Octopus spirit is calling.
I can feel it in my eyeballs
like a kind of excitement,
when I look at Tree Woman
with Her four roots and two limbs
all reaching, in a whole lot of directions,
and know what is coming next.

I know, Octopus spirit is calling
me, to do her bidding;
like when She had me carry all those rocks
to build her a shrine;
an eight legged medicine wheel
in the desert.
She was making me ready.

I know octopus spirit is calling
because it’s my job:
my work; my life; my love; my passion
And She. And I. Swim.
In the same Sea.

Cathie Jo aka Shar Shk Buk
Sept. 24th. 2015
Suquamish, WA

Equinox Swim in the Salish Sea

After yesterday’s freewheeling, unrelenting windstorm; along with a formidable current sweeping unchecked through Agate Passage; today’s calm was a bit of a surprise! The water was serene and crystal clear; all sea weed swept from the area. The water was so clear in fact, the first thing I noticed was a large crab side stepping his way along his submerged portion of the beach. This is one of those Autumn days that may be looked back upon as the last truly inviting day for a swim in the Salish Sea. (but I fervently pray that it is not)

There was a perfect Equinox quarter Moon just hanging out, unpretentiously, in broad daylight, over the northern tip of Bainbridge Island.

In the handful of swims I have taken at Old Man House Beach; today’s was the most lovely and tranquil of all; like the current it’s self was on holiday after the exertion of yesterday. This friendly sea begged my company and enticed me with Her gentleness, to float and lounge like an over sized otter. Alas, I could have become that otter, under that magic changing Moon, and devoured that crab; pulling it limb from limb and taking it’s life directly into my own. Ah to be so free and intimately a part of this Sea and have no need for my “otter skin equalizer”!

Cathie Jo aka Shar Shk Buk
Sept. 21st. 2015