Three white guys walk into a bar. One black, one white, one brown. They are sweating bullets over their fear of being replaced; losing their grip on their “God given”, good old boy birthright. The first one strieks, “Women aren’t having babies anymore!” The second one laments drunkenly, “Women are taking our jobs!” “They are making too much money!.” The third, such a proud, proud boy says, “Women have infiltrated the military!” The bartender chimes in, “Hell, women are taking over the government!” Murmurs from the crowd can be heard: “Educating girls is the problem!”; “They cut their hair!”; “The sluts even shave their heads!” Their fear and insecurity reverberate throughout the establishment. They are one in their desperation. Forward is not a direction they know. They are lost. They are not attractive; they are repulsive. The Irony! As their chant already be heard on the streets:
Cathie Jo Buhlert
copyright September 27, 2022